Ep 040: Everything "BUT" the Super Bowl

Ep 040: Everything "BUT" the Super Bowl
Sorta Sophisticated
Ep 040: Everything "BUT" the Super Bowl

Feb 05 2025 | 00:41:21

Episode 40 • February 05, 2025 • 00:41:21

Show Notes

Highlights of this episode include diving into the phenomenon of the Super Bowl - and why it’s about everything but football. We’ll explore how this one-day spectacle became a cultural juggernaut, from its glitzy halftime shows to multimillion-dollar commercials that make you laugh, cry, or cringe. And, of course, we can’t forget the snacks - because nothing screams athletic excellence like consuming 1.4 billion chicken wings in a single day. Join us as we unpack the cultural phenomenon that is the Super Bowl - and give you everything you need to sound like the smartest person at this year’s party, even if you don’t know a single team playing.

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Episode Transcript

Welcome back to Sort of Sophisticated People, the podcast where we make you feel just a little smarter and maybe, like, a little smug, I guess, yeah? About knowing the stuff no one else is talking about. I'm Pete, the guy who pretends to know all the stuff, but I'm really looking everything up on Google, and I'm Amanda, the one who edits out everything Pete says, so we still have a podcast to share with you each week, without maybe being too offensive. Oh my god, why do you do that? I have an idea. I don't know if I like this. Wait, what? Okay. Sometimes your ideas are just a little out there. No, but you just got me onto something with the whole being too offensive thing. Let's do an episode where we like, leave everything in, like, quote unquote, but just like, bleep out all the parts that you don't want, or like, that you think are too offensive. That would be a lot of the episode and it would be then a two hour podcast instead of a 30 to 40 minuter, right? We'll see. Okay. This is my point, right? Like like everyone would think it was terrible, but really you're just bleeping everything to make it seem like it's terrible So it'd be like hilarious. So like who would listen to that right would be like at the beginning of the episode I'd be like saying like welcome back to bleep sophisticated and bleep bleep bleep But really I'm just talking but it would sound hysterical, wouldn't it? It would be a pain in the butt. Okay, More like a bleeping, like a bleep, pain in the butt, like a, like a bleep in the butt. Nobody can see how hard my eyes are rolling right now, but they're probably in the back of god, fine, don't do it, I don't even care. I come up with all these excellent ideas that I just want to TM over here, just like, I'm generating audio cast gold, basically. And I'm getting shot down left and right. Can you just do me a favor, and like, introduce the topic already, before you have to bleep me, please? Just go. Okay then. What are we talking about? The Superbowl because The Superbowl! Do you know why, Pete? Uh, because it's right around the corner. It is! Let's go! So we're not going to talk about Super Bowl as in like the sport because everybody already knows about football and the Super Bowl. My twist for you is that you're going to talk about all the things, but the Super Bowl, like the Halftime Show, because it's also my favorite part. I think that's excellent. Let's go. Let's forget about the two best teams in the NFL, right? Let's talk about the shit that matters, Amanda! The Halftime Show, billion dollar commercials, and the amount of hot dogs that get eaten before kickoff. I didn't even know that was a thing. Oh, it's a thing. People can bet on it. Okay, but you also have to throw in there the ridiculous price of tickets. Oh, it's in there somewhere. I'm sure we'll get to it. Because who has that kind of money? Billionaires and businesses, man! Nobody really pays for tickets anymore, do they? I mean, maybe a few diehards remortgage their house to go, but I think, for the most part, it's just a bunch of businesses like, that gift the tickets to people, right? I mean, you would think that that was the actual reason, but I've known people who can't afford their rent to pay it on time, and they Maybe a few, right? Right. buy tickets. Okay, a few. And, oh, wait, shit, I forgot. Like, we should also talk about, like, how this whole, like Super Bowl extravaganza somehow turned into America's unofficial national holiday, right? It's a national holiday. Well, unofficial national holiday, right? Oh, that's true. I guess. I have a fun It's like on everyone's calendar. I saved a fun fact about that. Totally. So really, you're gonna turn this into one big fun fact episode, right? On Super Bowl trivia, more or less? Oh, totally. Because I need to look smart at this year's Super Bowl party. Let's go! Right? Perfect ti wait a second, hold on. Are you even going to a Super Bowl party? I mean, technically it's not like a party, but we are heading up to Paso, so that way we can be with all of these super random people at this huge Super Bowl thing. Do you know them? Or you're just like, it's like you have a ticket to I know four of them. Okay. It's like a member's dinner party thing. What are you bringing? Um, I was gonna bring charcuterie. Wait, how are you gonna bring charcuterie? I'm just kidding. I totally wasn't okay Because we're going to a member's dinner and so you actually don't bring anything except wine Oh, and so it's like a bottle sharing kind of thing. So I'm bringing wine Okay, I love that. Super easy. Uh, question, what kind of wine are you bringing? Like, do you already know? Or are you just gonna, like, grab something? Or is it like, no, you have, like, a special go to? Um, it's always a Syrah. You know I like the reds. You do. You love your Syrahs. Let's go. Am I allowed to launch Word of the Day? Okay. Okay. Okay. It is time. It is time. Thank you for granting me access to Word of the Day. So our Word of the Day today is Ubiquitous. Ubiquitous? Ubiquitous. I feel like we've already had this one. No, we have not. Okay, fine. Gosh. So then what does it mean? Is it something between the lines of I love the way you do this. You, like, make up a word to see if you know what it is. This is hysterical. Yes. What is, what is Please, let me know what is a little bit harder. Yeah. You're gonna, like, rhyme it with something. You're gonna be like, does it mean unique and, uh, col col ubiquitous? It ends with the us, so it's like, continuous. I'm grabbing at straws. Ubiquitous means something that is present, appearing, or found everywhere. So, like, Taylor Swift? Oh my god, totally. Yes! And probably even more ubiquitous than the two teams that are actually playing in the Super Bowl. Thank you! I mean, it's true. Because even my friend's daughter, who doesn't even watch the Super Bowl, doesn't even know a thing about football, is rooting for the Chiefs. Just so she can see Taylor Swift. on the television and watch her reactions every time Travis Kelce catches a ball. Oh my god. Nauseating. Kill me now. She's completely ruined the NFL. It's crazy. Move on. I don't want to talk about this. I know this is everything but the Super Bowl, but I can't talk about Taylor Swift. I can't. But I think I totally just nailed the word of the day. You just did. Okay, so we're done. Right. Vocab lesson over. Let's dive into that ubiquitous guac and chips of Super Bowl Sunday. Oh my god. That was perfect. You've already nailed it. You figure out the word like 10 seconds ago, and then you find this magical way to use it. Well, you can say ubiquitous in front of anything. You can. Job well done. Good work. It was easy. Can we start, as always, with like a little history lesson? But don't freak out. It's good stuff. Like, I'm gonna go super quick. Okay, you do that while I eat my buffalo wings over here. And you're just gonna be a jabbering away. Oh, look at you, like, buffalo wings, Super Bowl. Okay, you're awesome. Alright, okay, here's the deal. It's not my fault that I'm gonna be eating caviar on Super Bowl Sunday. I hate your guts. Literally. Okay, so here's the deal. The NFL started all the way back in the 1920s. Like, a long time ago. Like, right after World War I. Like, the crazy old clips you see on TV with the guys running around, like, in the mud with those leather helmets on. Seriously, like, they weren't gonna protect anything. I don't even know why they did that. But that goes on for a while. And then in the 1950s, when television hit the scene, it exploded, Amanda, in popularity. Cause, like, everyone who owned a TV, of course, then had access, right? I mean the TV is to be thanked for lots of phenomenons. A lot of phenomena. Phenomena. Phenomena. Okay. Like Elvis. Oh, totally. Like, it's now or never. Oh my god, I'm so good at Elvis, right? Um. So good. I know. Said no one ever. I know. Okay. Okay, back on track. Yes, thank you. Okay, so, where were we? Fifties? Alright, so it's getting pretty popular. And then like ten years later, some oil tycoon from Texas named Lamar Hunt wanted to add an expansion team. And he was basically told to go F himself because 12 teams in the NFL was like already enough. So he grabs some other dudes and in 1959 they start something called the AFL to compete with the NFL. Which was like the National Football League and now the American Football League. Got it? So far so good. It basically turned into this sibling rivalry, but they, like, low key still had to, like, share a room, or at least, like, I guess, share players and fans and stuff, which totally sucked for both of them, let's be honest. So then, finally, in 1967, they were, like, fine. Let's be friends again, and decide to have a final game of the season between the best team in each league. And that people is how the Super Bowl got its name right? Uh, nope. Oh. They weren't that smart. I wish they were that smart, but they're not. No. Uh, they were pretty literal back then. So they actually called it the AFL NFL World Championship Game. Super catchy, right? That's dumb. Right. No way. No. I know. Okay, so this name Super Bowl didn't officially stick until the third game in 1970. And fun fact, the first one didn't even sell out. Nobody really even cared to go. Stop it, you're telling me that the most watched event in America today started with unsold seats. Nobody wanted to go. Nobody wanted to go. And get this, tickets were only like five or ten dollars. I know, still a lot back then. No! It wasn't a lot back then because adjusted for inflation, Amanda, that's like fifty dollars maybe. Oh dang. Like per seat. That's like the same as like a hot dog and a beer today. Like, is it like the nineties inflation or the seventies inflation and today's inflation? Or was that more like the two thousands inflation? I have no idea that that's super sophisticated for me. I was just trying to get to how it's inflation, how it went from five to 10 bucks to like a thousand dollars for the nosebleeds today. I have no idea. It's crazy. Okay. Okay, fine. So let me get this straight. People skip the first Super Bowl. Uh, A-F-L-N-F-L Championship game. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever you wanna call it. They skipped the game because five bucks was too much and now we have people who are paying thousands of dollars to stand the nosebleeds Listen, like go NFL. Like, right? Super success story. They go from this super awkward league merger to like America's biggest stage. The NFL knows how to market, baby. Like, serious marketing. Okay, but can we like get to the everything else stuff now? Because you promised we would. And we haven't yet talked about a halftime show. So how did all that start? Okay, you're not going to believe me. I probably won't. But I will. But it all started in 1967 with two college marching bands. One from the University of Arizona. Go U of A. And the other from Grambling State University. It basically stays this way through like the 70s and 80s. With halftime show like mostly just showcasing marching bands or like the drill teams of some sort. Like every once in a while they themed it out a little bit. Like they did things like a tribute to 100 years of Hollywood. Or a tribute to Broadway musicals. Which I personally would have loved. Um, Disney even did a whole themed out show on Indiana Jones one year. So why did they change it then? Sounds amazing. Shit got real. 1993. With no other than guess who, Amanda? No! Michael Jackson? Totally Michael Jackson! Yes, that's right! Michael freaking Jackson! And that was it. The total turning point. When he started ripping out Billie Jean, it was like when Elvis did the whole comeback special. Wait, so that was the very first time that they didn't have marching bands. That was like the very first time when they decided to go like all in on one like major celebrity. Yes, absolutely. Like, that one show. Set the president for all future halftime show ever like he did the whole like Heal the world thing and the entire audience held up colored cards that turn like the whole audience into animated kids And then like all these kids from all over the world came out on stage with him and sang I don't know if you're like, no, it's ridiculous. I was the only reason why so I Jackson So when I was researching this episode, I rewatched it Amanda. I got effing Chills. I mean, he was the man. Even the way it started, like he popped up like over like this huge jumbo tron and then like magically appeared out on stage. 'cause it was like a, it was a body double obviously, but like, you know, back then, 1993, people dunno what's going. And then when he did, he blew everyone's, it was, and then he did the moonwalk. He was, he was ab and he did the wind thing. Why didn't we do episode on Michael Jackson? We're Oh, we're doing an episode. Like, I just feel like he is the Elvis of our time. Can we do, can we, okay. We're committing to Michael Jackson. We'll find some pop culture tie in and we'll totally do one on him. Okay. Got it. Okay. So then like the early 2000s, like had like Aerosmith, like NSYNC, Britney Spears, and then of course you had like, okay, the whole Nipplegate scandal. Like with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake in 2004. My favorite halftime show. Ever. Inappropriate. But now it all makes a little more sense that was such a big deal. Because it just transitioned from being like PG family friendly to woo! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Over the top and nipples. It was more like a Disney experience. Yeah, like, like, let's expose nipples. Absolutely. And once the nipple gets exposed. Shit gets real. Yeah. Okay. I mean who are we kidding? All right. Okay, then Amanda 2007 Prince played What was by far the greatest performance ever in the history of Super Bowls and in my opinion? Completely untoppable. Is that a word untoppable untoppable TM TM untoppable. I think that's what actually word I don't know if you remember. Do you remember he sang purple rain and it started to rain I don't know if you remember this like literally raining while he was singing totally iconic getting chills right now thinking about it I just music just gives you chills all the time. This was nuts like Amanda. This was crazy Okay, then in 2010s, you had like Madonna Beyonce Katy Perry. I don't know. What was it? Left Shark? I don't remember oh, yeah, yeah, and And then she made everyone mad cuz I She's talking about how like Girls like our cherry chapstick. Who wouldn't like Katy Perry's cherry chapstick? Who are we kidding? And then, like, stage sets start getting bigger and better, like, with each one. Really turning them more into, like, theater than anything else. Like, oh my god, then Shakira and Jennifer Lopez in 2020. I mean Right? Do you remember them? One, she was super toned. Totally off the hook. They were amazing. And just came off of her stripper movie. It was unbelievable. Um, but it It's like a show. It's a spectacle. No, it was a It was They were crazy together. Yes. And then, like, in 2023, the whole Rihanna pregnancy reveal? Oh my god! Yes, right? I mean, literally, since MJ, Halftime went from this little sideshow to probably the biggest part of the whole Super Bowl experience, let's be honest. That's actually really true because I'm pretty sure that like half my friends only watch it for the halftime show, and of course they do because you're a millennial I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I didn't always watch the halftime show. Since I haven't watched all of them, or maybe I just can't remember all of them Um, why don't you give me the top five since I know you probably just like YouTube the last 20 years Okay, well I just gave you my top two, okay like Prince by far and Michael Jackson, yeah, which one's one well Prince Oh, really? Oh, done and done. Prince by far. Well, because I was a huge Prince fan. So, Prince, Michael Jackson, one and two for sure. Then I would say U2, probably, in 2002, because they did the whole 9 11 tribute, which was stupid, ridiculous. It was amazing, and like, everybody, like, there was such a groundswell of momentum. Remember the Rose Bowl episode we did? Yeah. Same concept. U2 gets out on stage, they start doing their music, and it was like, oh my god, it was crazy. Um, then probably Shakira and J Lo. Like. That was unreal. Like, I had a moment, like, I'm not a super JLo Shakira fan, but like, that was a spectacle. It was really great. That was ridiculous, yes. Um, and then it's hard, because like, then it's like me, like, just liking what I like. But like, I would say probably Tom Petty, because I was a huge Tom Petty. Rolling Stones. So like those were probably or even Bruno Mars Bruno Mars was unbelievable like when he did it So I don't get the fascination with him. Yeah These like entertainers, right? They're amazing So like there's a lot to choose from honestly after that, but I'd probably say Tom Petty Rolling Stones, right? Probably in there. So, all right Half time's over. That's it. Just like Okay. Well, what else are you gonna talk about? We just round out the top five, but now As I alluded to maybe a little bit earlier. Oh, allu uh, Yeah. Ooh, can I mean, really, it's because it popped into my mind on why I actually watch the Super Bowl. Why do you watch the Super Bowl? For commercials. Oh my god, really? Yeah. That's it? Oh my god. And so, you know, I kind of got bored of this halftime talk. Okay, let's be honest. Did you research commercials? Did I research commercials? Of course I researched. I researched everything. But the question is, Amanda, did you research commercials? Because I'm turning this shit over to you. Yeah, well, I don't know if I necessarily need to research commercials because I watched all of them. Let's go. Why don't you give me a little bit of the commercial history the way I just gave you, like, the halftime history? Okay. I mean, but it's kind of the same story as the halftime show. It all started in the sixties and seventies with pretty much the same, boring, straightforward advertising. And all the commercials were pretty simple. They were just focused around introducing new products with all their traditional marketing techniques. Nothing special. Totally bland. And then, in 1984, what was that, like 10 years before Michael Jackson's Halftime Show? Apple decided to do its whole iconic 1984 commercial. It was directed by Ridley Scott, and it was based on George Orwell's classic dystopian book, 1984. And from there, it was total game on. Oh my god, so ads started going bonkers, like, earlier than the Halftime Show even did? Sure did. And marketers realized pretty quickly that the audience for the Super Bowl grew, so commercials literally became their own cultural events half the time. They totally overshadowed the game, especially For people like me, um, because the games are especially boring and now today, companies now tease, right, these ads early online and pretend that somehow they got leaked. Oh, right. Total bullshit. Like, oh, they get leaked early, right? They're not, they do it on purpose. Yeah, it's just to get a whole pregame buzz going. And they're not even really selling products anymore. They're either trying to make some bold statement or trying to create something viral and it's all just about building brand loyalty. Do you have any idea how much a 30 second ad costs nowadays? Oh my god, I should know that. Like, I research, but I didn't look at that. Uh, like a million dollars. At least a million bucks. You wanna try again? It's like two million bucks. Nope. It's a lot. Try seven. Seven? Yeah. Holy shit. And if we math it a little bit, it's 233, 000 per second. And that's more Wait, did you just math that shit that fast in your head? I love you. I mean, roughly. Oh my god. Holy crap. How do you do that? To blow your mind even more though. What? That's, sometimes more than some players on the field are actually making their entire football career. 233, 000 or 7, 000, 000? Yeah, like, you know those rookies go out for their first Super Bowl and then they get hurt? Done. Shit, I guess you're right. They probably don't even make 233, 000. Holy shit, that's crazy. So I know that you just gave us the top five for the halftime shows, and we both know that your memory is better than mine, and that you like movies and things stick with your mind. I do, except you can do, like, math so much faster than mine. You figured out what 233, 000 was per second. Right. Exactly. Okay, fine. So why don't you remind me of the five most famous, commercials? All right, fine. Here we go. Um, Apple, 1984. Duh. Best one ever. Yeah, I already said that. I already said that one. Best one. Go watch it on YouTube. Amazing. By the way, it's like 3 minutes long. Super long. Then you have the whole Coca Cola is like Did you say super long? Super long. Super long? 3 minutes is super long? For a commercial? Dude, commercials are usually like 30 seconds. Oh, okay. Sure. This was long long. It was badass. Okay, okay, okay. So then you have Coca Cola is like Hey kid, catch. Or like, the like famous Pittsburgh Steeler, Mean Joe Green is like in the tunnel with that little 8 year old kid with the bowl cut, it's the cutest thing ever. And he like throws his jersey at the kid, it's all sweaty, Mean Joe Green, Amanda. And the kid like gives him the Coke. Okay. So then you have the whole Budweiser. Budweiser. Oh my god, you just nailed it. That's hilarious. That's the I know. Okay, yes. Are there other Budweiser ones? Oh my god, yes, there are a lot of Budweiser ones. But here, my dad, okay, okay, can we, can I do a personal story? Sure. Okay, this is, I don't even know why this is so funny to me because my dad didn't laugh a lot. Like, did your dad laugh a lot? Yeah. Was he laugher? Like, yeah, so my dad, like, when you could get my dad to laugh, it was like, it was always a thing to get my dad to laugh. Is it like a thing for you? So like he tried to make your dad laugh? Yes. Oh, okay. No, and like my, my dad's a joke maker, so, okay. So my dad was funny, like always like super dry humor, but funny as shit. But like, you couldn't make him laugh. He always made you laugh. Right. So like, I'll never forget, like it wasn't during the Super Bowl, but it was during it. The whole what's up thing comes up. So he's at my house one day, he's hanging out with me and Gabby and he gets up and he like walks outside. And I get a phone call My flip phone at that time and I pick up the phone and my dad just goes Wazzaaaah And started like crying laughing on the phone. I'm like, where are you? He goes I'm just outside in the backyard. I'm like, why are you doing this? He's, and he can't even talk. He's like, I think it's so funny. It's like the best commercial ever. Dad, you're such an idiot. Come back inside. And he had tears like coming down his face. Like, cause he thought, he like, did the funniest thing. He like, sneaks out of the house and does this to me. Okay, anyway. Um. That's hilarious. Okay. Um. I don't even know where I left off. Um, E Trade. So E Trade lately has been doing some awesome stuff with like the talking babies. No, that's like the only thing they do. Yeah, it's hysterical. Yes. Okay, so totally like, that's like my top. Pre AI. Yeah, that's like my top, like, I don't know, four or five. What'd I do? 1984, Hey Kid Catch, Budweiser. Okay, that's four. Yeah, four. Okay so then Pepsi Cindy Crawford where she stops at the vending machine in the middle of desert and literally Every boy in America stared at her and drooled for like 15 seconds. I don't know if you remember. Oh my god It was glorious. I was so young and I was so in love Okay, so that's probably like the top five That's the stupidest last one. Uh, you can say whatever you want. Why don't you Google top five? That really is? Well, I don't know. Maybe it's top 10. I'm just telling you top, like, I'm giving, there's not like some, it's not like you can find out which exactly they are. I'm just giving you like what I think are like, Iconic, they're Iconic. All right. I got a few honorable mentions. Can I do some honorable mentions? Or no? Yes. But you haven't even mentioned my favorite one yet. Wait, which one's your favorite? Not telling until you finish. Because I just want to see if it makes your list. So my honorable mentions are, okay, uh, the Snickers commercial? Uh, where Betty White talks shit after getting tackled during a mud football game? Oh my god, that one was like really recent, like four or five years ago. She's like 90 years old, this guy like clocks her. I mean, literally puts her on the ground and she gets up and she's like, like absolutely starts talking shit to this guy. It is totally hysterical. And then, of course, like She eats a Snickers bar and then turns back into the guy that she really is. Do you get it? I saw that one. It was great. Okay, funny. Okay, then Budweiser again. Thank you very much. The Golden Retriever puppy Super cute on your heart. Oh my god. I cry. Yeah. No totally cry just again. Just watched it totally cried Oh my god, then another Budweiser one. The one with the famous frogs. Oh, yes! Bud. Weiser. Budweiser. Right. Oh my god. That's awesome. It's hysterical. Okay, whatever. Um, so that's it. Did I, I get yours? Nope. Those are my honorable mentions? Sure didn't. Well, I want to know what yours is now. Are you ready for it? Oh, I'm ready. I bet you wouldn't have been able to guess. It's the one with Larry David. Oh! I forgot Larry David. I'm so embarrassed. Do you remember it? Oh, that's my favorite one of all time. That's so good. I've just moved that completely up the list. It's my favorite one. Why is it your favorite one? It's like where all the people throughout history are like showing Larry all like the new inventions like the wheel and the toy lid and like the light bulb and he's shitting on all the ideas like in a way that like only Larry David could. It's like the best. I love how you love it because you probably found it horribly entertaining. I, on the other hand, did you know it's like one of the longest commercials on the Super Bowl? So, in my brain, I just want to know how much every second of this stupidity cost. Well, to do the math, 233, 000 a second times whatever number of minutes it was. That was almost three minutes. I don't even care. It's the best ever. It's crazy. So it was like a gazillion dollars then I don't even care. It cost $20 million to produce an air. Yep. And David was paid $10 million for his appearance in the commercial. Well, he was excellent. So $20 million for under three minutes. So proud of David. It's so insane. He's my idol. Oh my gosh. I love how we love it for different reasons. We totally do. Okay, um, you got anything else on ads or commercials? Otherwise, I'm a subject change and we're gonna start talking food cuz we haven't talked food yet. Let's go. I eat too much on Super Bowl Sunday, and it's super gross, and I feel super bloated, and I'm pretty sure I gained five pounds. Okay, me too. Right? Like, I've learned through the years. Do you actually? Yes. Do you actually, like, overeat on Super Bowl? I totally do. Oh. But I've learned through the years. I have a system. Not what I thought. I have a system. I feel like you're, like, super rigid. No, you got it. Especially with your New Year's resolutions. You gotta pace yourself. Slow and steady. Oh, okay. Slow and steady wins the race. Okay. And, by the way, you can't drink a lot of carbonated beverages. Oh. Because that just messes up your system. So, you gotta go water, and then you can eat a lot more food. Oh. Okay, okay, but wait, I wanna know, like, what's your go to? Like, is it always wine? You just roll up with the wine? Or Is that cause you're just going to Paso Robles this year? No, actually, it is not wine. But, oddly enough, it's something that has to do with wine. What? Charcuterie. Oh, charcuterie at a Super Bowl party? Boo! What are you doing? No, no, no! Listen! What? I'm not listening. No, absolutely you need to listen. Fine. Talk to me. Because charcuterie totally gaining popularity ever since COVID. Especially the ones where you make them into their own little individual cups. They're so cute! They are. But also if you think about it, they're very versatile. You can do anything! You know what? I think they're ubiquitous. They are ubiquitous. They're becoming ubiquitous. They are. Yes. Good play. Good play. Okay. Thank you. Yes. But yeah, you can do anything with them. Right? You can theme them out. You can make football shapes. You can make team color dips. They are all Instagram worthy. And they bring a little touch of elegance or like, sophistication to the party. Oh shit. Like they're sort of sophisticated. They kind of are. Is that what you're telling me? They kind of are. You charcuterie this shit because it's sort of sophisticated? I love you. Yes. While being fun and it's also super easy just to grab and eat and do your little slow turtle pace and yourself out, right? A little snacky here, a little snacky there. You don't need utensils. You actually don't even really need a plate. You can just like go to town. I'm totally sold. I'm totally changing my mind to charcuterie. I'm doing all charcuterie. I always do this like chili cheese dip with like cream cheese and chili and cheddar cheese and like a little jalapeno on top, but I'm switching. Okay, but do you also know like you theme it out, you could just do a board theme. So you could continue your chili cheese dip with cream cheese. Right in the charcuterie, but it would just be like no. Yeah. Yeah. It would be one of the dips in the charcuterie Yes, you could be like a dip board. I'm done. I mean, oh my god I'm making sure everyone makes a dip on their board. Okay, let's do some quick fun facts on food since we're talking about food can we yes, of course. Okay. Did you know that over? 1. 4 Billion. Billion with a B. Chicken wings get eaten every Super Bowl weekend. No, they don't. That's an insane amount of chicken wings. Dude, I'm reporting facts. That's a lot. It's disgusting. It gets worse. Over 11 million pizzas get delivered. Wow. 10. 9 million are probably pepperoni, by the way. I mean, that's because it's your favorite. Well, I mean, that's what everybody does. And also, 8 million pounds. 8 million pounds of guacamole. Somehow gets eaten. I don't even know where everybody puts it all. You know, it's nuts. It's crazy because when you talk about like all of these big numbers, I never think back on all the different Super Bowls. There absolutely were chicken wings and pizza and guacamole, even if it was like in a seven layer dip. It's crazy. I know it is. Okay, that's so weird. It's weird. Right. Well, speaking of guacamole. What? Do you remember that whole avocado nightmare back in 2016? No, wait, what? What are you ta No, what are you talking about? Okay, so in 2016, there was this huge grower's strike in Mexico. But also, it was the same time that California was having that huge drought, so you could barely find avocados, and buying them at the grocery store was RIDICULOUSLY expensive. It was like double or triple the actual price. I can't believe you don't remember this. No, I totally don't! Okay, well, it was so bad that restaurants took guacamole off their menus, because they just couldn't get it. It was crazy. I can't, I never even really paid that much attention. That's nuts. I love avocados. I have an avocado tree for this reason. Yeah, no, like I like guacamole, but I never, like, I totally don't even remember that. I don't know. I guess I just, I started, I, I started a avocado tree from a seed because I never want this to happen again, but it did in 2022. Seriously? Yep. It wasn't as bad. Wait, is it going to happen again this year? Like, is it going to happen again? Probably, but we're good this year. How do you know? Because I looked it up. Wait a second, you can like look it up in advance? I mean you can look to see how like a crop is doing and I only looked it up because my um, avocado tree had to be harvested. And I wanted to know how much to sell them for. Holy shit, so we're good on avocado. Just this year. You're insane. Okay, wow. Okay, that's a lot. Okay, well since you did a few fun facts on food, can I do drinks? Go for it. Guess how much beer gets consumed each Super Bowl. I hate when you do this to me because like, I guess, and then you're like, no, it's wrong. No, it's wrong. Um, a million gallons of beer. Why is it so low? You just told me it was like 1. 8 billion chicken wings. 10 million gallons of beer. Okay, how about 325 million bottles? What? Oh shit, maybe you were right with the gallons though. What? Because you went gallons, I went bottles. And bottles have like, 14 ounces or something. Do your weird dumb math thing. Okay. Well, that equals maybe, maybe 30 million gallons. Oh my god, I was way off. 30 million. That's insane, I said 10 million. You're right, but I was giving you shakes. I thought it was 325, but you went, yeah. Oh my god. It's kind of ironic to think that a game with all these totally fit athletes is celebrated by us Americans like eating until we puke and drinking ourselves to death. Oh my god, I have a fun fact about that. What? I love that we're doing just a full fun fact episode, by the way. Makes it more interesting. You know what? Fun facts are in this episode. They're ubiquitous. That's what they are. Okay. Did you know? Extra credit. Alright, I got extra credit. The average Super Bowl viewer, person, whatever, eats 2, 500 calories during the game. Like, in three hours. Amanda, it's just like 2, 500 calories is like, that's like an entire day's worth of food. Like a 200 pound man should have in a day. Yeah, but you know, people puke and rally, it's fine. My god, that's disgusting. Okay, wait, I have one more food fun fact before we move on. Okay. Can I go? Yep. Okay, like 1. 4 billion chicken wings, right? So the first actual buffalo wing was invented in 1964 at some place called the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York. Shout out to the Buffalo Bills, uh, her name was Teresa Bellissimo, the owner of the bar, The Anchor Bar, created buffalo wings by deep frying chicken wings and tossing them in a hot sauce made with butter and Frank's red hot cayenne pepper sauce. And the rest, as they say, is history. The buffalo wing. I didn't even know what buffalo came from. I was like buffaloes don't have wings. I thought it was like the animal It's from Buffalo, New York. Buffalo friggin, New York. Man, go Teresa. I hope she's famous or something She's totally famous, but she's dead. She's not famous cuz I didn't even know her Oh, she's like she's like known as the chicken wing lady and they like totally celebrate something called Chicken wing day in Buffalo, New York on July 29th each year. It's like their own little city Buffalo holiday. Okay, dude. One, we should have done an episode on July 29th. We'll do one on July 29th next year on Teresa Bellissimo. Speaking of holidays, I know Super Bowl is on Sunday, but why isn't it, like, Super Bowl Monday? And then we can make it a national holiday and everyone can have it off. Yeah, I mean, no shit. It basically is, right? Nobody goes to work. I don't go to work. Do you go to work? Right, so I guess maybe we should have Monday off because we're all having hangovers from Super Bowl Sunday. Well, it's like Thanksgiving, right? So it should be a holiday. Like, you have Thanksgiving, then you have the day after Thanksgiving. Yes. That's true. That's true. That's true. Okay, speaking of Thanksgiving, did you know Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest eating day of the year? I'm assuming after Thanksgiving? Yes. It's also a massive money grab with billions of dollars spent on food and drinks and merch and the whole communal experience of gathering for the game. Regardless, if you're there for the football, the halftime show, or the commercials, it definitely should get the status of an official holiday. Because, I mean, it's bigger than President's Day and we all get that day off and it's boring and Useless. Oh my god, you're making fun of presidents right now. I hate you. Sorry. Didn't we, did we do an episode on President's Day yet? And if not, we should. Just so you get more cultured and curious instead of saying it's stupid. Okay, maybe we should. Okay, fine. Alright, sorry. Okay, wait. I Googled one more thing. What? Did you know that more than 17 million Americans call in sick or take the next day off anyways? I'm one of those. Yeah. So more than 10 percent of the entire U. S. workforce, it's a massive number, calls off sick. It's so massive that there is a name for it. It's called Super Sick Monday. They already have a name for it? Yeah, isn't that weird? Super Sick Monday. So, I have been calling I've never heard of that. I didn't know I was calling off on Super Sick Monday already for all these years. It's like, I feel like it should just be accepted. They absolutely should. Listen, I have an idea. Okay. Like, you know how Thanksgiving we're supposed to give thanks? Yep. Right, okay. So, why don't we just do this? Why don't we just make sure on Super Bowl Sunday like during like the National Anthem, we all stop and give thanks or do a prayer, so it like becomes official and then we can just make it a holiday. And then we take Monday off. Let's go. There you go. Roll it over. We'll just roll it over. Absolutely. Okay. Okay, are we done? Got anything else to add? Because if not, then it's fun fact time. And you have to come up with new fun facts. Let's go. I got, there are fun facts galore about Super Bowl lore. I just did that. Right? Did you like that? That was good. Okay, um, I got some pretty random ones to keep it interesting so we don't have to talk like all BS about Super Bowl shit. I would expect nothing less from you. Okay, so let's start. Um, fun fact one. Okay, so, uh, the origin story of the whole Gatorade shower. Oh, that would make sense. There's an origin story. How to get started. Right, right. Okay, so, it all began in 1984 when the New York Giants Everything is 1984. 1984. Ridley Scott. Let's go George Orwell. Okay, so actually this has nothing to do with that. Okay, so the New York Giants doused Like Bill Parcells. He was a coach at the time like after winning just a stupid regular season game It wasn't even like the Super Bowl It was just like a regular season game against the Washington Redskins But it was after a particularly like hard practice week where like Bill Parcells like rode the Giants asses So like that was a way of getting them back So then for like the next few years It was like a tradition for just the Giants like just the New York football Giants Everyone started biting off the Giants. No, no, no. No, so it wasn't until 1987 When it made its first Super Bowl appearance, where the Giants were in the Super Bowl, they beat the Broncos, then they poured it all over his head, and now, and now every Super Bowl they do it. Yeah, yeah, so, shout out to the New York football Giants, people! Let's go. Okay, fun fact two. So the Super Bowl trophy is named after the legendary Green Bay Packer coach Vince Lombardi Why was he legendary? Because anybody with a last name Lombardi is legendary. Like how cool is that? Okay fair fair Because he won the first two Super Bowl Sorry, he won the first two AFL NFL national championships before they called him Super Bowl and then he subsequently passed away like one year later in 1970. Well, that's sad. So like, so he won like in 1967 and 1968 or whatever. I don't know, like exactly. But and then it got renamed in his honor. Wow. So a little fun fact about the Lombardi Trophy itself. Right? It's handcrafted each year by Tiffany and Company and it's estimated worth is about 50, 000. So they make a new trophy every year. So each Super Bowl champion gets to save and keep their trophy. It's not like passed around the league. But like the owner keeps it. The owner, like, so like last year it was a Kansas City Chiefs. So they have just that one. They don't have to bring it back and like for the next year and give it to somebody else. No, bullshit. They keep their own and tiffany and Company is making a new one right now. Yeah, yeah. Wait, so like in hockey? No, that's different. Stanley Cup's different. Is this like the only sport that does that? Oh, I have no idea. I don't know. Oh, interesting. See, it unlocks another question. You'd have to totally GTS I say GTS that shit? Shouldn't it just be GTS? Like Google that shit? You don't Google that shit that shit. Anyway, okay. I say that all the time. Stop me from doing that. Okay. Fun fact three Super Bowl 49 in 2015 between the Patriots and Seahawks holds the record for most watched Super Bowl in history with over 114 million viewers in the US But don't get too excited because the FIFA World Cup final in 2022 between Argentina and France was watched by 1. 5 billion people like 15 times more people watched the World Cup Then, the Super Bowl, and we think the Super Bowl is big. Yep. Like, we need But it's because Americans need to settle the foot down. It's because FIFA is the true football. Oh my god. The foo Football. As you would say. As you would sa It's a football. Oh my god, that was hysterical when you did that throwback. Let's go. Okay. Uh, fun fact four. Every Super Bowl game ball is handcrafted by the Wilson Company in Ada, Ohio. Have you ever seen a football be made? No, I have not. Have you? You need to like YouTube it. It blows your mind. I'm on it. Okay, I'm going to do it right after this. Okay, so they've been handcrafting NFL football since 1941. Each ball takes about three days to make, and they specifically make the balls only for, like, just for the Super Bowl. Yeah. That they have to use. Yes. It's crazy. Yeah, it's like, it's nuts. I love to this day. Let's let's go. Automation. Let's go. Wilson. You know what? Wilson also makes volleyballs. Thank you very much. Let's go. I never put that together. Right? Okay. Um, okay. Number five, the most Super Bowl rings in NFL history belongs to none other than of course, Tom Brady. Let's go right who holds the records for most rings by any player with seven. That's more championships than any single NFL team has ever won. I'm out. So, like, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots share the record of six Super Bowls each. But yet, Tom Brady has won seven because he won one with Stanley Bucs. Yeah, but did he deflate gate for each one of those rings? Oh my god, he probably did. But, obviously not, did he do it in the Super Bowl? I thought so. I thought that was the whole, like, issue. But the Wilson Company made new No, absolutely. They deflated them. Oh my god, let's go, let's go. Yeah, they got tampered with. Tom Brady. Okay, whatever. You know what, him and, um, what's his name? Lance Armstrong? Oh, yeah, see? They should get together and hang out. Okay, uh, next. Um, number six. The term Super Bowl was inspired by the Super Ball, the popular Wham O toy in the 1960s. It was basically a ball that wouldn't stop bouncing. And looks absolutely nothing like a football, um, and if you remember Lamar Hunt, he was like the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, and he was the guy that wanted to, like, join the NFL, but they wouldn't let him, so he started the whole AFL, I don't know if you remember that whole thing from the beginning, so he was the one who actually is credited with coming up for that name, because it was like his kid's favorite toy, the Super Ball, and then they called it the Super Bowl, which, if you think about it today, Is kind of just as arbitrary as calling this a podcast instead of a education cast or audio cast. Thank you very much Okay, also, but it makes me like the chiefs just a little bit more. I hate the chiefs Was that like oh my god, taylor swift. No, she ruined it. She ruined it But it's cool to know that lamar hunt kind of coined superbowl. It is let's go lamar hunt And that he got the ball to start his own like league. I know. No, he's a badass for sure Because he was an oil tycoon and oil tycoons are cool. Okay, uh number seven. We're just really rich. Yeah, totally Uh the most expensive superbowl ticket ever sold want to guess No. Yes, I do. What? Don't say 1 million. The most expensive. Don't say $1 million. Oh, that's where I was gonna go. No, because it'll be way too much. Yes, way less. Oh yeah. Yeah. Way less. 2 75. Two seven. Oh, close $434,000. That close. That's pretty close. I mean, in 2017. So the average, is it like on the field seat. I have no probably right. It was probably like a whole VIP package, right got to meet Michael Jacks Well, no, he was dead in 2007. Whoever Bruno Mars Okay, the average resale price for recent Super Bowls hovers around 5, 000 bucks. That's insane. Yeah, that is more. I'm not doing that than my mortgage. I would rather travel to like Japan and like go like yeah, it's a country something like yeah, absolutely Okay, and finally last fun fact the Super Bowl is now broadcast in over a hundred and eighty countries and like I look this up There's only like a hundred eighty. Yeah, there's only like 195 countries in the whole world So that's like 93 percent of countries, like good on the NFL for their marketing reach. Not gonna lie, that shocks me. That's so fake, like, people would actually watch it. I think it's cool, because I give the NFL a ton of credit for like being able to market, but I don't think it's gonna like, catch up with like, it can't, it's not a religion. Like in other countries, remember when we did Cricket? Sure. Remember the episode on Cricket? Yeah, yeah, but we're not talking about how many people watch it. We're just talking about the countries. No, good on the NFL. They're doing great. There's only like 7 percent more countries they have to tap into. Oh no, but like, and they're like impossible to get into. I mean, let's be honest. There are all the communist countries that you can't get into. Like five of them you can't. And then some of them are like Vatican City, where it's like, it's not even I don't even know what you call it. So like, is the World Cup in all 195 countries? Oh, it's gotta be. Yeah. The World Cup. Forget it. Of course it is. Okay. Interesting. Anymore? That's it. No, I'm fresh out of facts. We're done. Alright. Well, thank you. Good work as always. Let's go. I like that they weren't all boring. Kind of like, uh, what was the longest Super Bowl? Or how many were won by one score or less? You know, it's like the dumb, stupid, regular bingo card. I told you I was going to make them good! Yeah, you made them interesting. I'm proud. Thanks. Well, good job, but before we close out, give me the 3 or 4 things I need to know to make sure that I'm flexing on my friends at the members dinner. Or for you, or for any of our listeners who are going to Super Bowl parties. How many chicken wings? Ooh, uh, I remember, 1. 4. Good, good, okay, so. Billion, with a B. Okay, good. Okay, so first, the inaugural game in 1967 was not called a Super Bowl. So you could totally show off with that. It was called the AFL NFL World Championship Game. It's such a mouthful. Yeah, but, but, but, you want to flex. So that's a good flex. Okay, okay, okay, okay, fair, fair. It wasn't until 1970 when the name officially changed to the Super Bowl. And remember that was coined by Lamar Hunt, who was inspired by his kid's Superball toy. And the only reason why we should like the Chiefs. Thank you very much. Not because of Taylor. Okay, uh, the halftime show wasn't always a spectacle. In the early years, halftime entertainment featured marching bands and really modest performances. Shout out to Grambling State! Uh, the more modern, over the top, insane halftime shows all started with Michael Jackson's iconic performance in 1993, which set the standard. for all of today's huge showcases. People, just go watch it. It is amazing. It's like nine minutes long. Watch it. I just don't see how now, knowing that, how any of the other performances compare. I know he wasn't your top one, but like, he is my top one. Honestly, he might be, like on any given day, I'll be honest, it could be him or Prince. Like, I don't care. Like, they're that good. Entertaining. Yes, yes. Okay, um, the commercials weren't always a big deal either. Like we talked about they were pretty bland really just focused on introducing new products total traditional marketing bullshit But then Apple changed all that with its iconic 1984 commercial directed by Ridley Scott based on George Orwell's classic dystopian book same name And now 30 seconds of advertising will cost you seven million dollars. Yeah. Thanks Apple Right. It's insane right insane took over the world And finally in under 60 years the Super Bowl has gone from generating 10, 000, 000 in revenue in their first year to well over a billion dollars today in 2025. A testament to the NFL's ability to market better than anyone. And there you have it, fellow listeners. Everything but the Super Bowl, a dive into the moments, milestones, and meaning behind the cultural phenomena shaping our lives. If we've done our job today, you're walking away feeling a little more sophisticated, equipped with fresh insights. A few fun facts, and maybe even a new angle for your next water cooler chat. Whether it's tackling the quirks of cultural traditions or questioning what truly deserves center stage, the message remains the same. Life's big game isn't just about the touchdowns. It's about the plays we make along the way. If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to subscribe, leave a review, and share it with someone who's ready to think a little deeper or just loves a good story. And hey, next time you catch yourself in the middle of the action, just remember, for every touchdown, there's a weird tradition or hidden story waiting to be uncovered, even just in name. Until next time, don't sweat it if you're still figuring it all out. Life's not a scoreboard, it's a playbook. And you're the one writing the next move. Stay fired up and keep your head in the game.

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